Democrats Continue Personhood Attacks on Cory Gardner

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee aired a new ad Thursday as part of a larger barrage on Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., focused on women’s health issues.
The ad, provided first to CQ Roll Call, attacks Gardner for being a co-sponsor of a personhood bill in Congress. Gardner said earlier this year that he had rethought his position on the subject and could no longer support a personhood amendment, which would make abortion illegal.
“But in Washington, Gardner hasn’t changed at all. Cory Gardner is still sponsoring a personhood law to make all abortions illegal,” a male narrator says.
“He’s saying one thing and doing another,” the narrator adds.
The ad will run statewide and is part of a multimillion-dollar ad buy from the DSCC running through election day, a spokesman said. According to a source tracking ad buys, the DSCC has spent more than $3 million in Colorado as of this week.
Democrats hope women’s health issues can help push Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., over the top in a race that appears to be within the GOP’s grasp. It was a winning issue for Democrats in 2010, when now-Sen. Michael Bennet narrowly defeated his Republican opponent in an otherwise banner year for the GOP.
The race is rated Tilts Democrat by the Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call.
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