Tim Ryan Concentrates on Keeping Mindfulness Around
Rep. Tim Ryan is expected to share his thought-provoking life hacks with the Zen seekers assembling in Arlington, Va., for the Mindful Leadership Summit.
Ryan, who has urged colleagues to take better care of themselves, is scheduled to be interviewed about his own contemplative practices Nov. 14 at 4:45 p.m.
According to the Ohio Democrat, everyone — moms, dads, corporate CEOs, fellow pols — can make a difference by becoming more attuned to the modern world.
“I think everybody’s a leader today. We’re all dealing with the same challenges of information overload and constant connection to our work,” he told HOH.
While congressional staffers have been making the most of the meditative meet-ups Team Ryan helps coordinate on Capitol Hill, Ryan acknowledged that members remain skeptical.
“A lot of people aren’t sure what it is. They think its something goofy from the 70’s,” he said.
Yet Ryan remains hopeful.
“Anyone who tries to penetrate a member of Congress’ schedule, or mindset with a new issue, knows that it’s difficult. We’re busy,” the newly re-elected lawmaker posited. “[But] I think the more chaotic things get in Washington, the more open they’ll [fellow members] be to trying something new.”
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