Republican Party Has a Mandate to Lead
Republicans returned to Washington this week to open the 114th Congress with their largest majorities in nearly a century. This is great news.
Now they can do what they promised.
The agenda that helped Republicans keep the House and take back the Senate during the midterm election consists of three unmissable promises made by GOP candidates to conservatives and the American people:
Repeal Obamacare.
Defund President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty.
Ban abortion past 20 weeks.
New Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has said a thousand times that he would repeal Obamacare, and virtually every Republican running in the midterm repeated that promise. A Fox News poll in early December revealed that a significant majority of Americans now want the Affordable Care Act to be repealed completely — not simply “fixed” anymore — thanks in no small part to the revealing comments of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber.
Now Republicans can do what they promised and repeal Obamacare.
House Majority Leader John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, and McConnell have both blasted Obama for his illegal attempts to grant amnesty to millions through an executive order. Sens.Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Jeff Sessions led the fight to defund this affront to the Constitution last month, and yet many of the same Republicans who agreed Obama was acting illegally still gave the president their vote.
Now with a majority, Republicans can do what they all agree is the right thing to do.
Midterm exit polls showed that 75 percent of voters rejected executive amnesty and this no doubt helped give Republicans a victory in the last election. Only 47 percent of Latinos support executive amnesty. Many Republican candidates promised to defund it — with even Karl Rove supporting that effort. The omnibus bill that funds this madness expires on Feb. 27.
Now Republicans can do what the voters want and defund executive amnesty.
In 2013, Boehner and the Republican-led House passed a ban on abortions past the 20-week mark. McConnell has also been outspoken on the need for such a ban. This issue fueled the fight for the Senate and House where Republicans were victorious in each.
Many will remember that this ban was originally inspired in large part due to the ghastly killing of babies carried out by “doctor” Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of murder. It was a story so repulsive that it opened the nation’s eyes to the horrors of abortion like no other event in recent memory. It is one of the most important political advancements for anti-abortion activists in a generation with the support of a majority of Americans including women. Republicans have prided themselves on standing up for the sanctity of life for decades including this election. Now they can stand up like never before.
Republicans can do what voters and most Americans want by banning abortions past 20 weeks.
And we should see this pretty much right away.
There’s no reason Republicans can’t repeal Obamacare, defund executive amnesty and pass a 20-week abortion ban within the first 100 days of the new Congress.
You campaigned as conservatives, now govern as conservatives.
We look forward to you doing what you promised you would.
Brent Bozell is chairman of ForAmerica, the nation’s largest active online conservative network with more than 7.1 million supporters.