Looking Good in That #Strengthie

Just when you thought selfies couldn’t get any more prevalent, the ONE Campaign comes in strong with a new one.
It’s called a #strengthie: a selfie that pays homage to the “Rosie the Riveter” and “We Can Do It” images of female empowerment. Members of Congress, including Sen. Edward J. Markey and Reps. Katherine M. Clark, Joeseph P. Kennedy III, Jim McGovern, all D-Mass., and Gwen Moore, D-Wis., are joining Beyoncé and others in ONE’s global day of action to fight poverty and sexism through social media.

The meme is timed to the release of the song “Strong Girl,” a rallying cry to empower women everywhere.
U2 fans expecting to hear ONE Campaign co-founder Bono on the song may be disappointed. Nine African artists put the song together, though Bono joked that his musical talents were turned away. “I suggested doing backing vocals. They didn’t take me up on the offer. Instead they asked me to write the press release. So here I am,” he said in said ONE press release.

Looking good, members. Here’s hoping Beyoncé retweets you. Because that REALLY means you’re fighting the good fight.
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