McConnell Threatens Memorial Day Recess

It’s time to start threatening recess.
Like clockwork Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned senators he intends to force them to stick around until they are finished with their work.
“The Senate will finish its work on trade this week, and we will remain in session as long as it takes to do so,” said the Kentucky Republican.
“I would advise against making any sort of travel arrangements until the path forward becomes clear.” McConnell also said he intended to pass a highway patch and extend the surveillance authority for the National Security Agency.
“The quickest way to get there would be to cooperate across the aisle so we can pass the trade bill in a thoughtful but efficient manner,” McConnell said.
Of course, he also has to deal with a promised filibuster of any NSA extension by the junior Kentucky Republican, Rand Paul.
Cory Brown contributed to this report.
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