Boehner: I Will Not ‘Accept Responsibility’ for Senate Inaction
By Steven T. Dennis and Emma Dumain and JM Rieger
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Speaker John A. Boehner pinned the blame for the child migrant crisis at the Southern border on President Barack Obama Thursday, hours before House GOP leaders ditched their plans to vote on a border supplemental after failing to secure the votes to pass it. “Where’s the president’s proposal?” Boehner asked, responding to a question about whether Obama should act unilaterally to address the influx of child migrants. “The president says, give me $3.7 billion, but don’t do anything to address the real problem on the border. … I think that’s totatly irresponsible.” House Republicans called an emergency 3 p.m. meeting and said votes are still possible before jetting out of town for the August recess.