Boehner on Obama’s Immigration Action: ‘The House Will Act’
By Emma Dumain and JM Rieger
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Speaker John A. Boehner said Friday morning that “the House will, in fact, act” to respond to President Barack Obama’s sweeping immigration executive orders — but the Ohio Republican offered no details on the type, scale and scope of such action. In a four-minute press conference outside his office, Boehner said the nation’s immigration system is “broken,” and that “the American people expect us to work together to fix it. “And we ought to do it in a Democratic process,” he continued, “moving bills through the People’s House, through the Senate and to the president’s desk.” But Boehner also said Obama was trying to “deliberately sabotage” the prospects for congressional action on the issue by moving forward with changing immigration law unilaterally, that he “created an environment where members will not trust him” and “making it impossible for me to do what he wanted me to do.”