Ed Royce Wants to Get Wild
House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce plans to bear down on anti-poaching efforts Wednesday by hosting a super serious policy discussion — followed by a two-hour mixer featuring free booze, nosh and face time with utterly irresistible critters.

If history is any guide, the happy hour-ish gathering, which is scheduled to take place in 2172 Rayburn from 5 to 7 p.m., should be completely overrun by interns and staff jockeying to snap selfies with exotic guests corralled by the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
That particularly facility has kept pols in cute and furry props for decades, due largely to the advocacy efforts of director emeritus Jack Hanna and the politically active Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Desperate to get your Ace Ventura on?
Per the official invite, all RSVPs must be routed through the World Wildlife Fund (John.Niedzwiecki-intern@wwfus.org ).
Happy hunting!
Related: Camilla Captivates Capitol Hill Don Young’s Wild Kingdom Pet Lobby Brings Congress to Its Knees See photos, follies, HOH Hits and Misses and more at Roll Call’s new video site. Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.