Senate Heavy Hitters Join Eisenhower Memorial Efforts

Though Republicans in the House aren’t fond of the current Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission’s plan to honor the former president, heavy hitters from the GOP have hopped on board.
Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush joined the memorial’s advisory committee, the EMC announced Wednesday, in addition to former Republican Senate Majority Leaders Bill Frist of Tennessee and Trent Lott of Mississippi. The committee also added two prominent members of the Bush administrations, former secretaries of State James Baker III and Colin Powell. They will be joined by a prominent Democrat, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, in helping plan for a D.C. memorial 16 years in the making. With former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., spearheading private fundraising efforts, and Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., leading the EMC, the effort to make architect Frank Gehry’s $142 million design a reality looks like a powerful alumni club for the chamber.
“In recent months we have made many significant additions to our Advisory Committee,” Roberts said in a statement. “This demonstrates that there exists a powerful movement to build the Eisenhower Memorial and that movement has attracted support from leaders across the nation, and from a broad spectrum of American life.”
Roberts said the new additions amplify the “cross-generational” aspect of the effort to memorialize Ike. “It’s a proud day for all of us,” he added.
Bob Dole Steering Private Fundraising Campaign for Ike Memorial
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