Clinton to Jordan: Read My Book
By JM Rieger and Matthew Fleming and John Bennett and Aisha Chowdhry
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House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, landed perhaps the first major blow at Thursday’s Benghazi Committee hearing nearly three hours in, charging that Hillary Rodham Clinton misled the American people about the cause of the attack. Jordan displayed emails and State Department documents on a large video screen, saying she initially publicly pinned blame for the attack on outrage for an anti-Muslim video. But shortly after, Jordan alleged, emails to her family and State Department summaries of her conversations with regional leaders showed she believed the strike was a planned and carried out by a violent Islamic group. Clinton pushed back, saying Jordan’s questioning was misleading, before suggesting the Ohio Republican read her book. “I wrote a whole chapter about this in my book, ‘Hard Choices,’” Clinton said. “I would be happy to send it to you congressman.” Read more.