SEIU Endorses Brad Schneider

The SEIU Illinois State Council Wednesday endorsed Democrat Brad Schneider, the former lawmaker looking to reclaim the 10th District seat he lost to Republican Rep. Robert J. Dold in 2014.
“Families in this district deserve a representative who will stand up for them in Washington and demand an economy that works for everyone. I look forward to continuing that fight alongside SEIU,” Schneider, who beat Dold in 2012, said in a release. Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering is the other Democrat hoping to give Dold a run for his money next fall. The two-term GOP lawmaker amassed $1.6 million in campaign contributions through the first three quarters of this year and had nearly $1.3 million in cash on hand as of the end of September.
Rotering’s war chest is stocked with approximately $794,000 in readily available cash, giving her a slight advantage over Schneider, who is sitting on close to $701,000.
Besides the SEIU’s 150,000 members, Schneider’s has been endorsed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer and seven of the 10 Democrats in the state delegation.
The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report /Roll Call rates the race Tossup .
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