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Top Democrats on Homeland Security Committees Endorse Clinton’s Security Plan

While 40 percent said they were confident with how Clinton would deal with terrorism, 46 percent said they would be uneasy. (Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)
While 40 percent said they were confident with how Clinton would deal with terrorism, 46 percent said they would be uneasy. (Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)

The top Democrats on the House and Senate Homeland Security Committees are backing the homeland security strategy Hillary Clinton laid out at a speech at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis on Tuesday.  

Delaware Sen. Thomas R. Carper and Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson on Wednesday praised what Clinton called a “360-degree” strategy — a five-part plan to root out domestic radicalization and fight ISIS abroad — and said it would help stop another attack like the one that was carried out in San Bernardino, California, earlier this month.  

“In her speech, she laid out the right and responsible approach to combating the greatest threats to our homeland, including online self-radicalization, and proposed examining our visa programs to root out any potential weaknesses – something our committee has been doing in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks,” Carper said in a statement.  

“As the nature of the threat continues to evolve, we need a leader like Secretary Clinton who knows what to do to keep Americans safe while upholding the values and principles we stand for as a nation. I am as confident as ever in her ability to take on these challenges as our next commander in chief,” Carper continued.  

Delaware’s senior senator endorsed Clinton for president in October after Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. declined to run for the Democratic nomination.  

Thompson, who backed Clinton in November, expressed similar approbation for Clinton’s remarks.  

“Although the threat from ISIL and those who may be radicalized by it is real, we must respond with vigilance and not fear. Secretary Clinton’s detailed strategy is a strengthening of the hard work we have done to fight radicalization and terrorism both at home and across the globe,” Thompson said.  

Clinton met with a group of Muslims before delivering her remarks, and she made a point of criticizing Republicans whose rhetoric, she said, “plays into the hands of terrorists.”  

“To all our Muslim-American brothers and sisters,” Clinton told the crowd, “This is your country, too, and I am proud to be your fellow American.”  

Clinton called for enhanced intelligence sharing, including cooperation between government and Silicon Valley, to forge a “unified national strategy in cyberspace,” the New York Times reported . In particular, she wants technology firms to remove websites and videos that promote the Islamic State.  

Clinton also wants the Department of Homeland Security to increase its review of visas, extending to scrutiny of social media accounts, after one of the San Bernardino shooters was found to have vocalized her support for jihad on Facebook.  

“Anyone who has traveled in the past five years to a country facing serious problems with terrorism foreign fighters should have to go through a full visa investigation,” Clinton said , “no matter where they’re from.”  

Backing a measure Democrats have been pushing in Congress , Clinton called for banning gun sales to people who are on the no-fly list.  


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