RNC Ad Contrasts Clinton Coming Clean and Comey Contradictions
Web ad compares what Clinton said in 2015 and what FBI director said Tuesday
A new ad from the Republican National Committee contrasts what Hillary Clinton said shortly after news broke of her using a private email server as secretary of state with what FBI Director James Comey announced in his statement revealing his agency wouldn’t recommend criminal charges against her.
[FBI Director: Clinton ‘Extremely Careless,’ But No Criminal Charges Recommended]
The ad, titled “A Tale of Two Press Conferences,” shows Clinton in stark black and white from a March 2015 news conference downplaying the security risk and declaring her complete cooperation with the investigation and Comey appearing to contradict her in his remarks on Tuesday.
One shows Clinton saying that she did not send any classified material from the server, followed by Comey saying that “110 emails in 52 email chains” contained classified material.
Another shows Clinton saying she and aides had provided anything that could possibly be “work-related” with Comey on saying that the FBI found that thousands of emails that weren’t turned over in the investigation had been deleted.