Fallen Muslim Soldier’s Dad to Trump: Have You Read the Constitution?
Says his son, other Americans of all faiths and races, have died in battle
The father of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq slammed Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims and offered to share his copy of the Constitution with the Republican nominee.
“Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son the best of America,” Khizr Khan said in one of the convention’s more emotional moments Thursday night. “If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.”
Calling himself a “patriotic American Muslim,” Kahn spoke directly to Trump.
“Have you even read the U.S. Constitution?” he asked, pulling out a pocket edition and holding it aloft. “I will gladly lend you my copy.”
Kahn then called on Muslim Americans and all immigrants to vote.
“On Election Day, take the time to get out and vote and vote for the strongest, most qualified candidate, Hillary Clinton,” he said.
Humayun Kahn was 27 and an Army captain when saw a suspicious vehicle approaching his troops at a security gate in Iraq. He told his fellow soldiers to get back but he took 10 steps toward the car before it blew up. He was killed in the blast, and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart posthumously for saving his men.
“Tonight we are honored to stand here as parents of Capt. Humayun Kahn and as patriotic American Muslims,” said his father. “As patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.”