Report: Majority of Pipeline Jobs Would be Temporary
Trump greenlighted Keystone XL and Dakota Access projects arguing job creation
President Donald Trump touted his authorization of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline as job creators on Tuesday.
But most of the jobs would likely be temporary, according to a State Department report cited by ABC News.
“Construction spending would support a combined total of approximately 42,100 jobs throughout the United States for the up to 2-year construction period,” according to the 2014 report but also noted that approximately 26,000 of those jobs would result from spending by contractors and employees.
The report went on to say only 3,900 of the jobs would be “construction jobs” and all but 50 would be permanent.
Similarly, a Brookings Institution report showed that of the 12,000 jobs Dakota Access LLC predicted would come from the pipeline, only 40 positions would be permanent and full-time.