Rep. Roe Marries Rep. Kelly’s Sister-in-Law
Tennessee Republican's new wife is Pennsylvania Republican’s wife’s sister

Tennessee Republican Rep. Phil Roe not only got married over the weekend, but also became family with one of his House colleagues.
Roe, 71, married, Clarinda Jeanes, who is Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Mike Kelly’s wife’s sister.
The wedding was a small family affair in Johnson City, Tenn., a spokeswoman for Roe said.
The couple met at a grief group. Roe lost his wife, Pam, two years ago and Jeanes’ husband passed away in 2012.
They had been attending counseling sessions for more than a year and a half when Roe asked if Jeanes if she would like to have lunch after church, CNN reported.
News about the wedding circulated last week when the House was unsure whether it would be able to leave on recess with a pending vote on the Republican health care bill, possibly keeping Roe in Washington. But the vote was on time on Thursday and lawmakers hit the airports that afternoon.