Gianforte to Plead Monday
Newly elected Montana congressman will face sentencing the same day

Montana’s incoming Rep. Greg Gianforte is expected to make a plea on Monday to misdemeanor assault charges over his body-slamming of a reporter the day before his election last month.
Gallatin County Attorney Marty Lambert told Reuters Gianforte is also expected to be sentenced that same day.
“I have accepted Mr. Gianforte’s apology and his willingness to take responsibility for his actions and statements,” Jacobs said in a statement. “I hope the constructive resolution of this incident reinforces for all the importance of respecting the freedom of the press and the First Amendment and encourages more civil and thoughtful discourse in our country.”
Jacobs also told Lambert he would not object to Gianforte pleading no contest.
A conviction could lead to a maximum sentence of six months in jail.