Keith Ellison Calls for House Ethics Investigation Into Allegations Against Him
“I am innocent and eager to see this entire matter resolved,” Minnesota Democrat says

Rep. Keith Ellison is calling for a House Ethics Committee inquiry into allegations of abuse against him made by a former girlfriend.
“I am taking this step now because I am innocent and eager to see this entire matter resolved,” the Minnesota Democrat said in a statement Wednesday.
Ellison has repeatedly denied that he was abusive to his former girlfriend, Karen Monahan, whose son brought the allegations to light in August in a Facebook post.
Monahan has said Ellison abused her both physically and emotionally while they were in a relationship in 2016.
“These allegations have lingered in the public sphere, and remain unsubstantiated. I welcome an investigation by the House to allow us to move on,” the congressman said.
Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, was the first Muslim to serve in Congress. He is vacating his 5th District seat to run for Minnesota attorney general. He easily won the Democratic-Farmer-Labor primary on Aug. 14, a few days after the allegations broke.
A private attorney has conducted an independent investigation, according to Ellison’s statement, and the results“should be made public soon.” The Minnesota DFL Party chairman said Wednesday the party had completed its own investigation into the allegations and will also be releasing its findings shortly.
Monahan posted to Twitter last week a medical memo in which she told her doctor that Ellison had abused her emotionally and physically.
During the November 2017 doctor’s visit, Monahan claimed she was “in a very stressful environment for years, emotional and physical abuse by a partner with whom she is now separated,” according to the report typed up by physician Jodi Milburn.
Since the alleged abuse took place while Ellison was serving in Congress and he remains a member until the end of the year, the House Ethics Committee has jurisdiction to investigate. In recent years, however, the panel has ended investigations into lawmakers who resigned or retired from the House.
Griffin Connolly contributed to this report. Flashback: Ryan Defends Jordan as ‘Man of Honesty and of Integrity’
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