House Democratic Women Join Kavanaugh Protest at Senate Offices
Members went to shore up Senate colleagues on day of panel confirmation vote

House Democratic women marched over to the other side of the Capitol on Friday to join their Senate colleagues in registering their opposition to the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
As Democratic senators left the Judiciary Committee hearing room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, their House colleagues assembled in a show of support.
“Our call today is for mercy,” Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said, calling on Republican senators to vote no on Kavanaugh.
The committee vote on Kavanaugh was set for 1:30 p.m. on Friday, a day after senators heard testimony from Christine Blasey Ford, who accused the nominee of sexual assault in 1982. Kavanaugh also gave testimony.
Watch: Senators Walk Out of Kavanaugh Hearing After Vote Set, Talk to Media Outside Chamber
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Watch: Christine Blasey Ford’s Full Opening Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
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