Capitol Ink | Best of 2019
The only constant in this wild year was unpredictability
Quid pro WHOA — what a year!
In January, Democrats took control of the House amid what would become the longest federal government shutdown in history. Springtime brought, besides cherry blossoms, special counsel Robert S. Mueller II’s release of his report on Russian interference in the 2016 election — and a blindsiding by his own boss, Attorney General William Barr.
And as autumn fell, those pesky House Dems launched an inquiry into President Donald Trump over his alleged withholding of congressionally appropriated funds to Ukraine for political purposes. and capping the year with the House adopting two articles of impeachment against Trump.
The wild events of 2019 gave cartoonists like me plenty of political fish to fry.
Here are my picks for this year’s best of Capitol Ink:
Pelosi The Riveter
Every Day Is Valentine’s Day for Trump
In Trump’s Corner
Subpoena Blossoms
One Man Bandwagon
Barr-tleby the Scrivener
Book TV
Family Road Trip
CO2 Congress
Impeachment March
World Series Unity
Wicked Witch Hunt
Trick or Trump
Twitter Testimony
’Twas the Night Before Impeachment
Impeachment Clap Back