Podcast: Why Any Tax Cuts Could Be Temporary
Budget Tracker Extra, Episode 32

CQ budget reporter Paul M. Krawzak explains why a Senate budget resolution would add between $750 billion and $1.5 trillion or more to the deficit over 10 years, making any tax cuts temporary.
Show Notes:
Budget Agreement Opens Up Options on Tax Cuts $ https://t.co/SY7bWOX74T @Alankota pic.twitter.com/E92NjShiNK
— CQ Now (@CQnow) September 25, 2017
Hatch looks at ‘territorial’ corporate tax system, even as offshore inversions expected to slow ($) by @Alankota https://t.co/a6lxN3Ik6D pic.twitter.com/jvhuCARaWc
— CQ Now (@CQnow) September 21, 2017
Corker: Budget deal w Toomey will allow “some headroom” 4 tax-cut deficits. @CQnow pic.twitter.com/MHm8RBg2QG
— Alan K. Ota (@Alankota) September 19, 2017