Why Net Neutrality Isn’t Dead Yet
The Week Ahead, Episode 83
Internet service providers say they’d like Congress to pass a law mandating net neutrality now that the Federal Communications Commission has rescinded the rule requiring them to abide by it. But the providers also want Congress to exempt them from broader FCC regulation, says Rick Boucher, a former Democratic representative who now works for the industry. CQ reporter Alan Ota says such a measure faces a tough road on Capitol Hill.
Show Notes:
FCC Ends Internet Rule, Starts Test of Investment vs Inequality ($) https://t.co/ncXTvWmxWn via @Alankota pic.twitter.com/gufZwgT0k4
— CQ Now (@CQnow) December 14, 2017
Why did @FCC and @AjitPaiFCC rush this vote on #NetNeutrality despite known fraud & criminal activity in the public process? I look forward to Chairman Pai one day testifying under oath to Congress as to why he ignored 18 Attorneys General. Did Chairman Pai aid and abet fraud? https://t.co/KK6kfWUk7P
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) December 14, 2017
Chairman Pai released a video statement following @FCC adoption of his Restore Internet Freedom proposal: https://t.co/R8qTpdaKjT
— The FCC (@FCC) December 14, 2017