Weiner Hit With Fine

he re-election campaign of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) has been fined $47,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violations that occurred during his 1998 and 2000 races. [IMGCAP(1)]
In the 1998 contest, Weiner received $30,000 from his parents, then turned around and loaned $28,000 to his re-election campaign. The campaign eventually repaid Weiner, who in turn gave the money back to his parents.While the FEC could take no action on the loan itself, the commission did find that the Weiner campaign misreported the money as a loan from Weiner himself.
During the 2000 race, Weiner’s campaign accepted donations from 183 individuals without proper documentation. Weiner also failed to properly report $50,000 in contributions received during his 2000 primary and general election campaigns.
The FEC decided the loan from Weiner’s patents was illegal back in May 2003, but it took until now to resolve the issue. A Weiner spokesman said the other violations were “bookkeeping errors.”
The 40-year old Weiner, in his third term, is considered a potential Big Apple mayoral challenger in 2005.
— John Bresnahan