Oops, She Did It Again

The Capitol Police arrested a woman Tuesday afternoon when she began shouting at the Senate floor from her seat in the Visitors’ Gallery. [IMGCAP(1)]
And then they arrested the woman a second time Wednesday, when she attempted to interrupt proceedings on the House floor shortly before 5 p.m.
A police spokesman said two officers removed the woman from the Senate gallery just before 5 p.m., after her shouts prompted Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), the acting President Pro Tem, to bang his gavel and call for order in the chamber.
Officer Michael Lauer could not confirm the woman’s identity, but said she was charged with “disruption of Congress,” a misdemeanor offense that carries up to six months in prison and/or a $500 fine.
According to observers, at the time officers arrested the woman, she continued to ramble incoherently, accusing government officials including President Bush, and Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) of involvement in child molestation and pornography.
Visitors exiting the House gallery Wednesday said the woman, who provided a Massachusetts driver’s license to police, shouted about an array of topics, which apparently included some of the same assertions she made Tuesday.
Expanding South. Lloyd Constantine, a former New York assistant attorney general, is launching a Washington lobbying office. His New York-based firm, formerly Constantine & Partners, is adding W. Stephen Cannon as president and name partner and will be called Constantine Cannon. The firm will be bipartisan.
— Jennifer Yachnin and Tory Newmyer