As Americans Go To Vote Tuesday, Gloom About The Economy
Read the full Washington Post-ABC poll on the economy
Read the latest polling showing a tight Democratic presidential race and John McCain’s commanding lead
Voters are going to the polls in 24 states around the country Tuesday against a backdrop of increased pessimism about the economy. A Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted Jan.30-Feb.1 says the public view of the economy is more negative than at any time in the last 15 years and few believe the stimulus program being hatched in Washington will help much. More than 8 in 10 Americans described the economy as “not so good” or “poor.” This concern on the economy has also shown up in the polls taken in each state with a primary or caucus on Super Tuesday, particularly among Democrats who consistently list it as the top issue of concern. You can see CQ Politics’ wrap-up of the state-by-state polls here and here.
The Gallup poll has been reporting similar findings. Today, Gallup said: “As January began, more consumers (nearly one in three) rated current economic conditions `excellent’ or `good’ than rated them `poor’ (about one in four). By the end of the month, these percentages were reversed, with about one in four consumers saying the economy was `excellent’ or `good’ while one in three said it was `poor.'”