CQ Politics’ Top 10: Democrats May Follow the Money to Bigger House Majority
1. Jim Himes, Democrat, Connecticut’s 4th ($1.1 million)
2. Kay Barnes, Democrat, Missouri’s 6th ($954,000)
two years ago
described the contest
3. Sandy Treadwell, Republican, New York’s 20th ($929,000)
4. Darcy Burner, Democrat, Washington’s 8th ($922,000)
5. Mark Schauer, Democrat, Michigan’s 7th ($751,000)
6. Dan Seals, Democrat, Illinois’ 10th ($745,000)
7. Judy Feder, Democrat, Virginia’s 10th ($700,000)
donors outside Virginia
8. Michael Skelly, Democrat, Texas’ 7th ($667,000)
9. Gary Peters, Democrat, Michigan’s 9th ($645,000)
10. Robert Lord, Democrat, Arizona’s 3rd ($632,000)