Clinton May Not Beat Obama, But She Runs Better Against McCain
Barack Obama is leading John McCain in a general election match-up 47 percent to 44 percent in a USA Today/Gallup poll conduct May 30 – June 1, but his edge is less than the survey’s 4 point margin of error. Hillary Clinton, whose bid for the nomination appears to being coming to an end, leads McCain 49 percent to 43 percent. Fifty-nine percent said they did not think Clinton should drop out.
Rasmussen Reports’ daily tracking poll has Obama and McCain tied at 46 percent. The Gallup daily tracking poll has McCain leading Obama 46 percent to 45 percent and Clinton leading McCain by the same margin.
The poll’s horse race figures are framed by its finding that Americans are growing gloomier about the nation’s economy. Fifty-five percent say that their families are worse off than they were a year ago, 11 percent more than in February and the highest figure recorded by Gallup since it started asking the question in 1976 . Twenty-six percent say they are better off.