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Photo From the Attic: A Page in the Life of Dirksen

[IMGCAP(1)] Then-Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-Ill.) gets reacquainted with Greg Hinrichsen (standing), who had served as a Senate page, during a 1968 “rubber chicken” political event in downstate Illinois. Hinrichsen admired Dirksen for his rhetorical skills and tried to be in the chamber when the Senator was speaking. The page also held onto memorabilia from his time in the Senate, including the sandwich order below, given to him in 1967 from the Republican Cloakroom. Hinrichsen now works in the Senate office building named for Dirksen, as a policy fellow for Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.). The former page says the fact that he was allowed to buy cigarettes for Dirksen as a teenager has made more of an impression on his younger colleagues than the fact that he knew the Senator. [IMGCAP(2)]

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