EMILYs List Poll: Palin Not Attracting Female Voters to GOP Ticket
Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) continues to hold a double-digit lead among female voters over presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), even with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin now on the GOP ticket, a new survey by EMILYs List found.
The poll found Obama leading McCain 52 percent to 41 percent among 800 female voters surveyed Monday and Tuesday. The survey was conducted by the Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group and has a margin of error of 3.5 points.
EMILYs List supports female candidates running for office and backed Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) in the Democratic presidential primary.
These survey findings confirm, the Democratic presidential ticket of Barack Obama and [Sen.] Joe Biden continues to benefit from the the strong support of women, states a memorandum released with the poll numbers. It noted that in 2004 Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) only held a 3 percent lead among women voters.
The survey also refuted the argument by some Republicans that former backers of Clinton would support McCain with Palin on the ticket. According to the poll, 55 percent of Clinton voters say they are now less likely to vote for McCain with Pailn added to the ticket, with only 9 percent saying they would be more likely to support the GOP ticket.
Moreover, the survey found 59 percent of female voters believe McCain picked Palin for political reasons rather than based on her experience and qualifications. Fifty percent of those same voters said they believed Obama had picked Biden based on his qualifications and experience.