Jeb Bush Wont Run for Senate in 2010
The Republican field in the 2010 Florida Senate race is suddenly wide open now that former Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has decided not to run.
According to news reports Tuesday afternoon, Bush declined to run for the seat of retiring Sen. Mel Martinez (R), stating that now is not the right time to return to elected office.
The popular former governor had been considered the runaway favorite among Republicans since Martinez made his surprise announcement in November. The GOP field is sure to grow now that Bush is out of the race.
Several Members from the Sunshine State delegation have been eyeing the race, including Reps. Connie Mack IV (R), Allen Boyd (D) and Ron Klein (D).
But on the Democratic side, most insiders remain focused on whether the states chief financial officer, Alex Sink, will run. Sink is a moderate who is the only elected statewide Democrat.