Pelosis National Security Adviser Heads to Private Sector
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Tuesday that she is losing her national security adviser, Mike Sheehy, to the private sector.
Sheehy has worked for Pelosi for the past six years and in the House for more than 30 years. He will be replaced by Wyndee Parker, who currently serves as deputy staff director and general counsel for the House Intelligence Committee.
Mike has been a trusted and valuable advisor to me for many years and I deeply appreciate his dedication and expertise in defense, intelligence and foreign affairs. He has helped shape the agenda this Congress has taken to develop and strengthen ties with other countries. I wish him the best of luck with his new endeavors, Pelosi said in a statement.
Parker, who holds a bachelors from Duke University and a law degree from the Ohio State University College of Law, will begin her new duties in the Speakers office next month. Pelosi praised her experience on national security matters, including on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.