NAW Lays Out Health Care Reform Criteria
The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors sent a letter Wednesday to the Senate Finance Committee making it clear what health care reforms the group would back and what measures the association would oppose.
The letter from NAW’s vice president of government relations, James Anderson Jr., said the group “will be unable to support and will vigorously oppose any legislation that includes: Any provision that does violence to our voluntary employment-based system— including any employer mandates.
The letter also said it will mobilize against a public insurance plan option and against any new or increased taxes on business or on employer-paid health insurance benefits.
NAW urged the Finance panel, which is in closed-door negotiations over the bill, to focus on reforms that would “contain cost and expand coverage, emphasize quality over quantity, create transparency for consumers and patients, improve efficiencies, build the 21st century health care infrastructure and place greater emphasis on wellness and prevention.—
The letter notes that NAW opposes the health reform bill passed by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee as well as the House bill known as America’s Affordable Health Choices Act.