HOH’s One-Minute Recess: Lieberman V. Baldwin, Part 2
Actor Alec Baldwin might cut a blustery figure, but he doesn’t scare Sen. Joe Lieberman. The “30 Rock— star recently said in a Playboy interview that he would love to challenge Lieberman, and the Connecticut Independent shot back on Sunday.
[IMGCAP(1)]“Make my day,— Lieberman retorted during a CNN appearance.
Lieberman’s tough talk has its appeal, apparently. Meghan McCain, daughter of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), tweeted her admiration for her dad’s fiery colleague.
“Sen Lieberman is such a badass, luv him!— she wrote.
Profiling Podesta. Meet the new “it— girl. Uber-lobbyist Heather Podesta gets a glowing profile in Monday’s Washington Post. Question of the day: Who is the mystery Congressman (unnamed, of course), who Podesta says was “visually undressing her— during a meeting?
Niels Lesniewski of GalleryWatch contributed to this report.
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