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Hoyer: Health Care Vote Could Slip to Sunday or Beyond

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is warning action on a health care overhaul could slip past a planned Saturday evening vote into Sunday — or even Monday or Tuesday — if House Republicans employ delaying tactics. “I have not said the bill might get pushed back. But clearly, things happen,— Hoyer said on a Friday morning conference call with reporters. “My expectation is we’ll complete this tomorrow night.— Hoyer said any delay would result from GOP maneuvers to stall action, not a lack of Democratic support to pass the bill. The measure is expected to pass narrowly, and Democratic leaders have been working furiously to corral the 218 votes needed to advance the bill. “We’re very close,— Hoyer said of leaders’ efforts to round up votes for the bill. If floor consideration of the measure extends into Sunday, Hoyer said action would resume that afternoon to allow lawmakers time to go to church in the morning.

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