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Daschle Jumps to DLA Piper

On the heels of former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) departing the firm, DLA Piper announced today that former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) has joined the firm as a senior policy adviser. Daschle comes to DLA Piper after spending several years at the law firm Alston & Bird, which he joined in 2005 after losing his Senate seat.“Senator Daschle is a senior statesman and is justifiably regarded as one of the wisest and most effective problem solvers in Washington as well as in the Nation and the world,— said Francis B. Burch Jr., global chairman of DLA Piper, in a statement. “He is deeply respected on Capitol Hill and has strong ties to policymakers throughout government, and he has knowledge and experience in public policy that only a handful of individuals can match,— Burch added.Daschle is expected to focus on regulatory and government affairs issues at the firm and will also serve on DLA Piper’s global board.

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Editor’s Note: Tim Curran, an editor and a neighbor