HOH’s One-Minute Recess: Musical Mystery
Apparently, there’s at least one person in Hollywood (aside from Jon Voight) who is proud to call himself a conservative — and while this La-La Land resident has the support of a who’s who of right-wing A-listers, he’s not unveiling his true identity.
[IMGCAP(1)]Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) joined Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.) on Twitter this week to praise “American Heart,” the newly released single from musician Jon David. And while the ditty leaves no doubt that the singer loves America — lyrics include “I got stars in my eyes/I’m in love with her/And I won’t apologize” — there is the question of who exactly Jon David is.
David performs in sunglasses and baseball cap to protect his real identity. According to his Web site, David is a Los Angeles-based screenwriter, director, singer and songwriter (although because he’s so anonymous, we don’t know that for sure). He calls himself a closeted conservative, writing that he has to because while it’s “no secret that the majority of folks in the entertainment industry lean left … artists who don’t are often met with such contempt that their very livelihoods are threatened.”
And while the mystery of who exactly David is continues, he is achieving success: He writes a recurring column for Andrew Breitbart’s Web site
“Big Hollywood” and his song has received
praise from everybody from Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) to pitcher Curt Schilling.
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