Stringfellow: Time to Take Cybersecurity Seriously
Cybersecurity has become one of the most popular buzz words in recent years, but few people actually understand what it means and what they can do to minimize the threat of a cyber attack. Most articles on the topic only discuss who is susceptible to being attacked and what can happen if they are attacked, but few people consider what can be done to prevent an attack.
[IMGCAP(1)]Well, I say it’s time to talk more about what we can do to minimize the threat of being attacked.
The first thing that needs to be done is for every individual to take responsibility for his information/data, whether it is in physical (analog) or digital format. This is not to lock you down to the point where you go back to the times before computers and Internet. By no means! It’s so that every individual truly understands the risk of sharing his information and playing in the world of the Internet. And just like any other form of “unregulated” playing you will do in your lifetime, you have to know the risk, accept the dangers and take physical responsibility for your actions.
Additionally, we must realize that individuals cannot protect anyone’s information if they do not respect or take pride in protecting their own information. Let’s face the facts: There are people who are configuring and implementing these security measures at the businesses that we as individuals share our information with and trust to protect that data.
The second thing that should be done is the agencies and organizations that are connected to the Internet should make true advances in managing the risk when they use, process, store or transmit our data. I know that one business or agency cannot solve the entire cyberthreat that exists, but companies can implement state-of-the-art security measures in-house and mandate that any other entities connected to them protect the data that they share with equal security measures.
It’s time that we take necessary measures before it’s too late. A cyber attack can affect our power grids, air and ground transportation, telecommunications and financial systems. It’s time that we take this threat seriously and make sure that we have done all that is possible to protect ourselves from future cyber attacks.
Robert Stringfellow is the CEO of Megadata Technology.