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CBC Plans to Probe Kagan on Minority Issues

The Congressional Black Caucus announced plans Monday evening to offer questions for Elena Kagan, even as the group lauded President Barack Obama’s latest Supreme Court pick.

“The Congressional Black Caucus will be submitting questions to the Senate Judiciary Committee that reflect the special concerns of African Americans for a justice who will move the law forward and not threaten years of progress by the Supreme Court and the Congress for equal rights for African Americans and others,” CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said in a statement.

Lee said that CBC members were happy Obama had nominated someone with “a real-world understanding of how the law is applied in the lives of the American people,” but added that the group anticipated “evaluating her views on issues of importance to minorities.”

The chairwoman noted that Kagan was the first woman to serve as U.S. solicitor general and as dean of Harvard Law School.

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