Mississippi: Childers Takes Aim at Nunnelee in New Ad
Mississippi Rep. Travis Childers is up with his second television ad in less than a week, and this time he’s taking aim at his Republican opponent, state Sen. Alan Nunnelee.
In the new ad, which is airing district-wide beginning Monday, the Democrat calls Nunnelee a “typical politician” who has no problem breaking campaign promises.
After signing a pledge against raising taxes sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform, Nunnelee “raised taxes on sick people in hospitals and voted to raise our gas and property taxes” the ad’s narrator says.
The ad is referring to Nunnelee’s vote in 2009 for a hospital bed tax that would be used to pay for Medicaid as well as a pair of votes he made in the state Senate in the mid-1990s.
The commercial then cuts to Childers, who talks about how he’s kept his word since first being elected in 2008.
“I said I would be independent. Vote pro-life and pro-gun. Oppose big spending budgets and Wall Street bailouts. I’ve done what I said I would do.”
While the latest ad is the first to take a shot at Nunnelee, it also builds on a theme from Childers’ first ad, a 60-second spot released Thursday, in which Childers went back to his 2008 commercials and talks about how he’s kept the campaign promises he made in that election.
Republicans have been critical of that theme, saying that Childers broke his promise to create jobs because his vote in support of the stimulus bill only made the country’s financial situation worse.