HOHs One-Minute Recess: Obama Gives Hockey the Cold Shoulder
President Barack Obama loves sports.
Even if he doesn’t throw the first pitch at the Washington Nationals’ season opener, he’s still doing his bracket for March Madness or tossing a football in the air in the Oval Office.
Yet there’s one sport that the avid fan hasn’t paid much attention to: hockey. More specifically, the Washington Capitals.
The hockey blog Russian Machine Never Breaks started a campaign, “Barack the Red” (a play on the Caps fans’ motto “Rock the Red”) one year ago to get Obama to come out to a game.
“What would make this a hockey town?” blog founder Ian Oland asked. “This would be another thing that would legitimize the team.”
So far, the campaign hasn’t had much luck.
With the Caps 1-0 in the first round NHL playoff series against the New York Rangers and a chance to play the Chicago Blackhawks in the championship, maybe the prez will finally relent.
Perhaps it’s time for fellow Illinoisan Rep. Mike Quigley (D), along with the rest of the Congressional Hockey Caucus, to step in and make a case.