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Nevada Announces Jan. 14 Date for West’s First Caucus

The ripple effect from Florida’s decision to hold its GOP presidential primary at the end of January just hit Nevada.

The Silver State will hold its first-in-the-West caucus Jan. 14, state GOP Chairwoman Amy Tarkanian announced late today.

“I’m extremely pleased to finally have a firm date for a caucus that will greatly improve Nevada’s standing and relevance in terms of national politics,” Tarkanian said in a statement. “By establishing this date, we maintain Nevada’s standing as one of the first four ‘carve-out’ states and as the very first in the west.”

“This is absolutely in the best interest of our state,” she added. “We are in the process of creating a caucus that will energize Republicans throughout Nevada and the west, and allow us to play a major role in deciding who will carry the fight to unseat Barack Obama and his destructive policies.”

After the Florida GOP decided to hold its primary on Jan. 31, in violation of Republican National Committee rules, the traditional early-voting states of South Carolina, Nevada, New Hampshire and Iowa scrambled to make sure their primaries and caucuses retained first-in-the-nation or first-in-the-region status.

South Carolina recently announced that its first-in-the-South primary would be held 10 days before Florida, on Jan. 21.

Iowa traditionally holds the first-in-the-nation presidential nomination contest, determined by caucus, while New Hampshire traditionally holds the first presidential primary. Republicans in those states have not announced dates for their contests yet.

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