HOHs One-Minute Recess: Larsen Sacks Slacker Tweeters
Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) today fired three legislative aides who spent their days boozing it up in the office, destroying government property and badmouthing their boss — and obliviously bragged about it on Twitter.
Legislative aides Seth Burroughs and Elizabeth Robbee and legislative correspondent Ben Byers were terminated as a result of the Northwest Daily Marker story chronicling their baffling display of bureaucratic bravado. The article included screen grabs of since-deactivated Twitter posts in which Burroughs (@therocketship1) and Robbee (@betsysbites) openly banter back and forth about trashing a government-supplied Blackberry, taking shots of Jack Daniels at their desks and watching music videos on YouTube during work hours.
The feckless trio (Byers was @byers_remorse) also conspired to do as little as possible this month, dubbing their anti-work campaign “December to Remember.”
The Daily Marker story went live at 5 a.m. today. It was the talk of Twitter by noon. An hour later, their boss dropped the hammer.
“Congressman Larsen and his staff became aware of the issue concerning the three staff members at noon EST. We became aware of the issue through a tweet referencing an article about the incident. Congressman Larsen immediately decided to fire the three staff members involved in the incident. The staff members were dismissed at 1:10 p.m. EST,” Larsen’s office announced in an official statement.
Something tells us those three knuckleheads will remember this December for years to come.