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Obama Campaign Staffs Up Biden Team

President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has hired senior staff to aid Vice President Joseph Biden.

Sheila Nix has been named chief of staff to the vice president; Scott Mulhauser has been named deputy chief of staff; Sam B. “Trip” King III has been named political director; Amy Dudley has been named press secretary; Nora Cohen has been named deputy director of advance; and Virginia Lance has been named scheduler.

Nix has most recently served as the U.S. executive director of ONE, a bipartisan advocacy organization. Mulhauser serves as a senior adviser and counsel to the Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), overseeing communications, message and outreach. King III previously worked for then-Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-S.C.) and also advised Biden in South Carolina during his 2008 presidential bid. Dudley most recently served in the Obama administration as Biden’s deputy press secretary. Cohen has served in the White House since 2009, recently as Biden’s deputy director of advance. Lance most recently served in the White House as Biden’s scheduler.

The vice president’s campaign staff will be based out of the Obama-Biden campaign’s Chicago headquarters.

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