Plight of the Intern

Like many people in Washington, D.C., this week, Rep. Phil Gingrey wanted in on the action at the Supreme Court — or at least Wednesday’s oral arguments about the severability issues of the Affordable Care Act case.
But instead of waiting in line himself, the Georgia Republican sent an intern to do it! Well, that sounds like the funnest errand in the history of errands!
With the plebe holding the Congressman’s spot, Gingrey was able to score one of the three-minute Supreme Court seats available to the public.
For those on Capitol Hill unfamiliar with the term “intern,” we turn to the House Ethics Manual for guidance: Interns are individuals who “[perform] services in a House office on a temporary basis incidental to the pursuit of the individual’s educational objectives.”
The manual goes on to say that an intern can only complete tasks that are “primarily of educational benefit to the individual, as opposed to primarily benefitting the Member or office.”
Well, one thing’s for dang sure: A kid can learn a thing or two or three by watching the cast of characters who have been shouting outside the Supreme Court this week.