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When Etch A Sketch Doesn’t Work …

The folks at the liberal American Bridge 21st Century political action committee are at it again: making videos and annoying Republicans.

Their latest video greeting card takes aim at the presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney in honor of the sixth anniversary of the enactment of Massachusetts’ health care overhaul, which Romney proudly signed as governor. American Bridge shouts that the law is known as “Romneycare.”

The video cheekily says that today is Romney’s big day!

For those wondering what to get him, the sixth anniversary is iron, sugar or wood. The Flintstones help with the musical accompaniment.

The video contains footage of Romney laughing with Democrats, including the late Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy. It splices together footage of the Etch A Sketch candidate talking mandates and personal responsibility and of pundits saying it could be an issue that Romney could use as a platform for a presidential run.

How times change.

In the end, the clip makes the 2006 Romney sound an awful lot like President Barack Obama. Maybe this will make no one happy.

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