Indiana: Daniels Goes to Bat for Lugar in TV Spot

The campaign advertisement Sen. Dick Lugar’s (R-Ind.) supporters have been waiting to see on their television hits the airwaves on Monday.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) delivers a hearty endorsement for the embattled six-term Senator in a new television spot, declaring, “I can’t think of anyone so reflective of the thinking, principles and ideals of our state.”
Lugar faces the toughest primary challenge of his career on May 8 against state Treasurer Richard Mourdock. Support from the popular Daniels, one of Lugar’s closest political allies and his former top Capitol Hill aide, aims to push the vulnerable Senator over the finish line.
In the spot, Daniels vouches for Lugar on location from the Senator’s family farm. It’s a quiet response to recent attacks about Lugar’s residency in the state.
A spokesman for the Lugar campaign, Andy Fisher, said the spot will run on cable and all broadcast markets across the state at an elevated level.