Jason Altmire Didn’t Miss Tuesday Vote

Pennsylvania Democratic voters don’t seem terribly concerned about whether their Congressman has perfect attendance.
On Tuesday night, Pennsylvania’s 12th district showcased a critical Member-vs.-Member primary between Democratic Reps. Jason Altmire and Mark Critz. Voters chose Critz.
Interestingly, Altmire wasn’t in the Western Pennsylvania district when the news of his loss rolled in. He was in Washington, not wanting to miss any votes. The soon-to-be-former Congressman is known for taking his job seriously enough that he has never, ever missed a vote.
“He was here voting [Tuesday] night,” Altmire spokesman Richard Carbo confirms. “The streak is going strong — 4,658 consecutive votes.”
The House conducted one roll-call vote Tuesday, passing a bill that clears the way for some land in the Inyo National Forest in California to be exchanged. The bill, considered under suspension of the rules, passed 376-2, with 53 Members skipping the vote, including Critz. But not Altmire.
How many votes has Critz missed? According to his office, he has a “99.5% overall voting percentage (we count 1,505 votes since being in Congress).”