HOH Spring Fever Edition
HOH Public Service Announcement!
Are you burnt out after a week of hacks, flacks and pols shouting at each other? Tired of looking at glowing rectangles all day long? You’re in luck. Congress is out, leaving the city to the rest of us.
Street —
Running around downtown tonight? Look up! People will be playing on the facades of the buildings that make up America’s Main Street: Pennsylvania Avenue.
As part of the Kennedy Center’s “Look Both Ways: Night Street Fair,” Project Bandaloop will take over the Old Post Office Pavilion starting tonight.
At 8 p.m., the group will bungee, dance, unicycle, juggle and generally reek gorgeous havoc across the facade of the downtown landmark.
The “Look Both Ways” street fair festival will close Sunday.
Scene —
If you haven’t made it to the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden for Doug Aitken’s Song 1, there’s still time to check out some of the coolest, magical string of evenings it has been this city’s privilege to host.
The installation that scrolls across the building’s facade and spills out over its gardens is around for another week.
If you’re a live-music kind of person, then check out the Hirshhorn’s Doug Aitken Song 1 party, A Happening, starting today at 8 p.m. Instead of the recorded score, live bands will play. Buy tickets now.
Can’t make it Friday?
Head to the museum Saturday night to grab a square of grass and revel in chill-inducing covers of the Flamingo’s “I Only Have Eyes For You.” The picture begins scrolling at sunset and continues until midnight. Listen to artists like Beck, Tilda Swinton and many others explain how they only have eyes for us.
Screen —
Do you like your flicks served with a heavy dose of bawdiness, kitsch and humor? Then head over to the Atlas Performing Arts Center this weekend for the Pasties and Popcorn film festival — a short film festival curated by DC Shorts.
Apropos of the Atlas Center’s dance-centric mission, the film festival will be be supplemented by Tilted Torch’s burlesque and variety show.
Sustenance —
If you’re in the minority of folks who don’t get enough calories, be sure to drop by Saturday night’s Taste of the South at DAR Constitution Hall.
The annual food and booze ball’s featured charities this year are the DC Central Kitchen and Camp COPE. So your noshing of po’ boys and Cheerwine goes to a good cause.