Make It So
The media has emptied vats of ink reporting on Congressional gridlock. Allow us to now introduce you to the grass-roots response.
PetitionBuzz maintains a clearinghouse of pleas to right perceived wrongs, from the relevant (adopting Caylee Anthony-inspired safeguards for missing children) to the trivial (demanding that Linkin Park play Glasgow, Scotland). Amid the buzzing petitions, behold some of the quirkier attempts to address the people’s needs.
Tiered voting (three signatories): One voter wants to rank potential lawmakers — designating first, second and third choices — or categorically reject them. “There should be a final choice of ‘none of the above’ to give the voter opportunity to declare that he did not believe that any of the listed candidates was qualified to be elected,” E.S. Petersen suggests.
National Ron Paul Day (two signatories): Someone wants to honor the Texas Republican with a “one day only revolt” wherein folks would skip work, not spend money, eschew driving and “avoid stores/fast food joints etc. that may employ illegals.”
Boost/ax Medicare (one signatory): This activist endorses expanding Medicare while also hoping for the day “when Medicaid, Medicare and all other health programs will be rendered useless.”
Drug testing Congress (no signatories): demanding accountability via brimming specimen cups.