Nevada: DCCC Launches First IE in New District

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launched its first independent expenditure advertisement in Nevada’s new 4th district, where a surprisingly competitive race has developed in what had been considered a Democratic-favored seat.
The ad targets Republican nominee Danny Tarkanian’s support for Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) budget plan and says he supports privatizing Social Security and eliminating the Department of Education. Tarkanian is battling Nevada Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford (D) for the seat.
“No wonder he calls himself ‘one of those crazy radicals.’ Tarkanian’s ideas are just insane for the middle class,” the ad’s announcer says.
The DCCC reported a $159,000 media buy in the district on Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission. The fact that it’s spending here at all is noteworthy, but that’s nowhere close to what its GOP counterpart has invested.
The National Republican Congressional Committee has spent nearly $1.6 million against Horsford, targeting his character and record in the state Legislature. The Democratic-aligned House Majority PAC and GOP-aligned Crossroads GPS have also played in the newly added district, which includes part of Clark County and parts or all of six rural counties.
Roll Call rates this race as a Tossup.